“ALL THAT WAS SOLID” From Muñoz Molina

Belpart recommended the last trial of Antonio Muñoz Molina which analyzes the current situation by making a tour of what has been happening in Spain since democracy.

With phrases taken directly from the book we summarize:

“There have been big mistakes: money available without control mechanisms; the merits seemed useless, mediocrity and always rewarded ... all depending on the political favor; To make big money political contacts required;

It is understood that the party has to be linked to vandalism, and because he wanted the parties making them aumentasen I sociocultural activities in which the public is not used to pay and in the end that meant not giving value to free; The effects of trash TV, with the proliferation of litter and rudeness; The left step of his secularism and anticlericalism to be in favor of the rituals inherited from the counter: A democratic country should be secular; It has fostered ignorance. It has encouraged the party with more capital than the effort among politicians. Over 30 years of democracy has not been done pedagogy of democracy. Because democracy must be shown as it is not natural. Natural is the barbarism, the cry, no civilization.

The natural thing is ignorance. No learning that requires no effort and no later to bear fruit. The only way to preach democracy is by example and in Spain has been preached otherwise: loggerheads, Verbal violence, personal and collective irresponsibility, flattery, trickery intransigence, victimhood , narcissism, indulgence in robbery, hatred , rudeness, and contempt for the law.

It is well seen assaulting the contrary, alzar the voz mas high. The axis of political life is not educated in the ways and rigorous ideas but political rally in which the forms are limited debate and the nonexistent Ideas.

In Spain it is very difficult to contradict, especially when you say something that bothers someone on your side: left alone is hard and difficult and example of them have been:

Manuel Chaves and Arturo Barea in the Second Republic by not admitting the murders; Nestor almond homosexual anti-Castro; Conservatives who defend secularism; Progressives do not break faith; Homosexuals who are against gay pride party ....

The success of acceptance civic climbers, corrupt and plugged and the difficulties of bright, honest to develop their skills

Nothing mattered as there was money:

  • There had to be prepared to get a good job, only have contacts.
  • No matter in one check information before being published.
  • You did not study to pass course. Any student could reach the end of compulsory education regardless of whether they knew anything or nothing.
  • Knowing nothing you could become famous.

While all this is true we are now much better than years ago, but and therefore, particular care must:

  • The public education
  • The public health
  • The rule of law
  • Pension guarantees

We have to see our realities because sometimes we are not aware of what can happen in no time.

The popular peasant culture was dissolved without realizing, no time to mourn the loss of the value and celebrate the despicable.

In a very short time has gone from dictatorship to democracy; from poverty to wealth; from isolation to international travel.

People raised in shortages have raised their children in the waste without instilling a sense of responsibility. To take advantage of everything we have gone to waste it.

The generation that grew up without rights seems to have invented a world without duties.

The democratic tradition is not improvised … Years ago there was exemplary steps:

  • 1962. Munich where it was agreed: all joined forces reclaim democracy for Spain.
  • 1974. Carrillo y Calvo Serrer did the Democratic Board
  • 1977. In the first parliament in which Fraga and Passiflora sat together.
  • We have had 34 years of living under the same constitution.
  • In these years ,Spain has often been ahead: In the Second Republic Clara Campoamor with the female, in 1978 with the abolition of the death penalty and 2006 with gay marriage.

Be careful in accepting the normality. CARE FOR EVERYTHING THAT WAS SOLID CAN DISAPPEAR WITHOUT REALIZING and therefore:

  • We need to talk
  • We need to understand what is happening around us so fast
  • Political activity has to be subject to controls
  • We need austerity, transparency and accuracy of information
  • We need a civic rebellion serene
  • We must demand mandates limitations, open electoral lists, professionalism, Administration independence, reviewing official agencies and companies.
  • We must encourage the talent and defend the value of the public.





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